Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Purpose

This blog is not just for moms . This blog is for those who inspire to become moms, have moms, or play a role as a mom .  This blog is for anyone interested in knowing the intimate thoughts and sometimes , not so proud moments that all moms have encountered .  I have the utmost respect for anyone who has the tools and patience to be a parental figure .  Being a parental is far from easy, it is a craft  .  Motherhood is an ART ! A SCIENCE ! Yes , an Art and Science . One may think , "Kris you just contradicted yourself ." I did not . As we take this journey together ,  you will understand just what I mean .

 I love my children ( I have two ) but I must admit it took a while for me to embrace  my new life as a mom. I felt lost , confused , and honestly..... ashamed .   My kids are the most beautiful human beings on the planet . However, it took more than just beauty for me to learn to embrace my new beginning  .  I invite everyone to encourage , inspire and become a sounding board for those who may be unsure and those who have traveled ,  and are traveling the journey of motherhood.